analisis vegetasi

Metode Teknik Analisis Vegetasi merupakan cara mempelajari dan mengukur vegetasi secara kuantitatif. Banyak metode yang dapat dipakai untuk Analisis Vegetasi agar dapat mengetahui jenis-jenis tumbuhan yang mendominasi suatu areal. Dalam analisis vegetasi akan diketahui Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) yang merupakan penggabungan dari Kerapatan Relatif, Frekwensi Relatif dan Dominasi Relatif.

Tumbuh-tumbuhan yang dianalisis terdiri dalam berbagai tingkatan, baik itu berupa pohon maupun tumbuhan herba atau penutup tanah. Kategori pohon di dalam hutan dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa tingkatan misalnya : Tingkat Pohon, Tingkat Tiang, Tingkat Sapihan dan Tingkat Semai.


Analisis Vegetasi Hutan

Analisis vegetasi adalah cara mempelajari susunan dan bentuk vegetasi.

Penarikan Unit Sampel

Jenis pengukuran tersebut adalah pengukuran yang bersifat destructive measures dan non-destructive measures

Bentuk, Ukuran, & Jumlah Unit Sampel

Bentuk unit sampling dalam survey vegetasi dapat berupa kuadrat, garis dan titik.

Parameter Kuantitatif dalam Deskripsi Vegetasi

Ada tiga macam parameter kuantitatif vegetasi yaitu kerapatan, frekwensi dan cover.

Teknik Analisis Vegetasi Metode dengan Petak.

Metode Garis Berpetak, Metoda Jalur dan Gabungan

Teknik Sampling Kuadrat

Teknik sampling ini bisa berupa petak tunggal atau beberapa petak.

Teknik Sampling tanpa Petak Contoh

Pada dasamya memanfaatkan pengukuran jarak antar individu tumbuhan atau jarak dari pohon yang dipilih secara acak

Metode Titik Pusat Kuadran

Metode sampling tanpa petak contoh yang paling efisien karena pelaksanaannya di lapangan memerlukan waktu yang lebih sedikit, mudah, dan tidak memerlukan faktor koreksi

Metode Titik Sentuh (Point Intercept Method)

Metode ini cocok untuk komunitas tumbuhan bawah seperti rumput, herba dan semak.

Metode Garis Sentuh (Line Intercept Method)

Cara ini digunakan untuk komunitas padang rumput dan semak /belukar.

Metode Bitterlich

Dilakukan dengan Tongkat Bitterlich (tongkat sepanjang 66 cm yang ujungnya dipasangi alat seng berbentuk bujur sangkar berukuran 2 x 2 cm)

Demikianlah beberapa teknik dan metode analisis vegetasi yang dapat dipakai mengukur vegetasi secara kuantitatif. Metode-metode analisis vegetasi ini dapat dipakai pada areal hutan alam dengan beragam struktur dan tingkatan maupun di dalam hutan tanaman yang seragam dan struktur tajuk yang sederhana.



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Closeness [is] the amount of individual a[n plant type in a[n certain luasan, for example 100 individual / ha. In measuring closeness usually emerge a[n problem of referring to edge effect ( eunuch of effect) and form life ( plant form). To measure closeness of form or tree of vegetasi other which have bar which is [is] easy to be differentiated [among/between] one otherly generally [do] not generate difficulty meaning. But, to plant which [is] menjalar with bydm soriyt [at] its books and berrhizoma ( taking root rimpang) will arise a[n difficulty in enumeration of [his/its] individual. To overcome this matter, hence we have to make a[n separate criterion about congeniality of individual of plant type. Other problem which must overcome [by] [is] edge effect of square referring to existence some of a[n plant type residing in square edge, so that we have to decide do the plant type assumed to stay in square or outside square. To overcome this matter [is] usually used [by] agreement that if/when > 50% from part of the plant stay in square, hence assumed [by] the the plant stay in square and it is of course barns [counted/calculated] [by] measurement of its closeness 2. Frequency
Frequency a[n plant type [is] the amount of check follow the example of where finding of the type from a number of check of made example [of]. Usually frequency expressed in its besaran it[him] type of Avicennia marina ( api-api) found in 50 check follow the example of from 100 check of made example [of], so that the fires type frequency [is] 50 / 100 x 100 = 50%. Becoming in determination of this frequency [there] no counting, but only a[n perisalahan concerning existence a[n just type 3. Cover ( Haven
Haven [is] proportion surface of land;ground closed over by coronet projection
Frequency a[n plant type [is] the amount of check follow the example of where finding of the type from a number of check of made example [of]. Usually frequency expressed in its besaran it[him] type of Avicennia marina ( api-api) found in 50 check follow the example of from 100 check of made example [of], so that the fires type frequency [is] 50 / 100 x 100 = 50%. Becoming in determination of this frequency [there] no counting, but only a[n perisalahan concerning existence a[n just type 3. Cover ( Haven
Haven [is] proportion surface of land;ground closed over by plant coronet projection. Therefore, haven [is] always expressed in set of [gratuity/ %]. For example, type of Rhizophora apiculata ( bakau) have coronet projection for the width of 10 mZ in a[n check follow the example of for the width of 100 m-, hence the mangrove type haven [is] 10 / 100 x 100 = 10%. Full scale [is] haven all plant type in a[n plant community possible more than 100%, because often coronet projection from one plant with other plant have overlap ( overlapping). In the place of from coronet areal luasan, haven can also area dropsy projection implication at one particular luasan surface of land;ground. To measure / to anticipating coronet luasan of tree coat vegetasi, [is] usually done/conducted] by using coronet projection of the tree to surface of land;ground and its [is] it[him] measured with system or planimeter of dot­grid with graph paper. Way of other [is] [counted/calculated] with formula this Area dropsy represent a[n areal luasan of[is near by surface of land;ground mastered by plant. For the tree of, area dropsy anticipated with measuring bar diameter. In this case, measurement of diameter generally dilakukaii [at] height 1.30 m of surface of land;ground ( diameter as high as diameter or data of at height breast