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Elyazar Manuhuwa and Mery Loiwatu
Faculty of Agriculture, Pattimura University, Ambon
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Result of the study indicated that there was significant effect of preliminary treatment to the specific gravity of laminated board of Jawa (Schizostachyum brachycladumi), Kuning (Bambusa vulgaris) and Petung (Dendrocalamus asper). Effect of preliminary treatment was significant to the compressive strength of laminated board of Petung (Dendrocalamus asper), and Suanggi (Bambusa blumeana), and modulus of elasticity of suanggi’s laminated board (Bambusa blumeana). Moisture content of laminated board made of bamboo was 9.93% - 10.82%. Specific gravity of laminated board was 0.83 - 0.87; MOE was 30728.84-66054.13 kg/cm2; MOR was 775.93 - 999.57 kg/cm2; compressive strength perpendicular to grain was 740.62 - 875.75 kg/cm2; shearing strength was 71.16 - 78.65 kg/cm2; and percentage of bamboo failure was 52.31- 65.85%.
Keywords : laminated board, SG, CS, MOE.
One of issues faced by wood industry in recent years is lack of raw material. This condition affect the continuity of existing wood industry. Supply of raw material have to accomplish by looking for alternate raw material to substitute commercial species. Introduction fast growing species have been implemented by forest plant industry, On the other hand, the lesser know species and non wood forest product have been invented to substitute wood.. There was several non wood forest product are similar to wood in term of basic properties. Bamboo is one of non wood forest product that have been known as multiple use plant. It has straight trunk, smooth bark, light, hard, and easy to split. Because of its characteristic bamboo have been use to many purpose that it would be applied in suitable construction. Laminated board made of bamboo have been used for house building because it is considered as environment friendly material.
Laminated technology is technique to modify bamboo that it will achieve appropriate purpose. It is technique to establish board from small member of bamboo using adhesives and pressure to raise mechanical properties of board. Quality of laminated board was measured based on physical, mechanical properties and delamination. Viscosity of adhesives, wet ability of bamboo and solidity of glue join was determine the quality of the board beside type of adhesives. Objective of the study was to measure moisture content, specific gravity, modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), compression and shearing strength, and percentage of bamboo failure of laminated bamboo. Four species of bamboo such as Jawa (Schizostachyum brachycladumi), Kuning (Bambusa vulgaris), Petung (Dendrocalamus asper) and Suanggi (Bambusa blumeana) was used to make laminated bamboo. Factorial experiment in simple random sampling was applied in the study with 3 replications.
1. There was highly significant effect of preliminary treatment to specific gravity of bamboo laminated board made of Schizostachyum brachycladumi, Bambusa vulgaris and Dendrocalamus asper, was significant effect to compressive strength of laminated board made of Dendrocalamus asper, Bambusa blumeana, and was highly significant effect to modulus of elasticity of laminated board made of Bambusa blumeana.
2. Moisture content of bamboo laminated board made of Dendrocalamus asper was 10.35-10.82%; Schizostachyum brachycladumi was 10.31-10.74%; Bambusa blumeana, was 10.20-10.76% and Bambusa vulgaris was 9.93-10.48%. Specific gravity of bamboo laminated board made of Dendrocalamus asper was 0.84-0.87; Schizostachyum brachycladumi) was 0.84-0.85; Bambusa blumeana was 0.85-0.86 and Bambusa vulgaris was 0.83-0.85.
3. Modulus of elasticity (MOE) of bamboo laminated board made of Dendrocalamus asper was 32356,66 – 66054,13 kg/cm2; Schizostachyum brachycladumi was 50874,50 – 55302,74 kg/cm2; Bambusa blumeana was 34344,48 – 58087,96 kg/cm2 ; and Bambusa vulgaris was 30728,84 – 35689,83 kg/cm2.
4. Modulus of rupture (MOR) of bamboo laminated board made of Dendrocalamus asper was 879.99 – 999.57 kg/cm2; Schizostachyum brachycladumi was 839.83 – 952.06 kg/cm2; Bambusa blumeana was 775.93 – 906.67 kg/cm2; and Bambusa vulgaris was 818.09 – 848.24 kg/cm2.
5. Compressive strength of bamboo laminated board made of Dendrocalamus asper was 747,21 – 813.56 kg/cm2; Schizostachyum brachycladumi was 746.05 – 791.04 kg/cm2; Bambusa blumeana was 740.71 – 875.75 kg/cm ; and Bambusa vulgaris was 740.62 – 798.85 kg/cm2.
6. Shearing strength of bamboo laminated board made of Dendrocalamus asper was 71,16 – 76.83 kg/cm2; Schizostachyum brachycladumi was 71.17 – 78.65 kg/cm2; Bambusa blumeana was 71.78 – 78.62 kg/cm2; and Bambusa vulgaris was 70.80 – 75.99 kg/cm2.
7. Percent bamboo failure of bamboo laminated board made of Dendrocalamus asper was 52.31 – 65.85%; Schizostachyum brachycladumi was 52.50 – 63.43%; Bambusa blumeana was 54.35 – 65.37%; and Bambusa vulgaris was 48.98 – 62.87%.
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